Thursday, January 12, 2006

Lost-The Black Cloud

What an episode!!!! The mysterious Mr. Eko definitely had a shady past. The real remarkable thing about this show is the mysterious black cloud that went one on one with Eko. The obvious question about the cloud besides "what is it", is what were the images on the backside of the cloud as it faced Eko. The images were too quick or me to really catch anything. I found a site this morning that screen captured the images.

Here is the link.

The images appear to be Eko's memories. Now, some on the official Lost message boards are talking about that the cloud might be a "demon". I don't think so. As the cloud was sorting through Eko's memories, it sounded to me like an old computer cranking away churning data. I really think the cloud is part of the "security system".

It was just plain cool that Eko took on the system, and apparently won.

This will be very intersting to see how this plays out. Can't wait until next week!

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