Friday, January 14, 2005

All the links worth dumping

Well, this morning started out being 51 degrees and raining (Bangor's average temp around this time of year is the mid 20s, no rain) and currently the temp has dropped to about 30 and there is a furious snow storm outside (this is normal for this time of year). As I browsed the old I-net this morning, nothing in the news struck me enough to really elaborate on, so here goes a nice little link dump. Hope I get it all.

After Prince Harry's brush with utter stupidity, he is considering visiting Auschwitz. He is a well educated lad and should have known better than to wear a swastika out in public. Not only does this bring into question his common sense, but more importantly his moral fiber. Does the British Military want a guy, even though he is a royal in uniform, when he might have some "hidden" agenda (the Nazi uniform might not have been a costume. I know this is far fetched and hopefully I'm very wrong).

More importantly, who let Harry out of the palace dressed like that?

Next we have Charles Krauthammer on the CBS debacle and the follow up inquiry. Bias? No, couldn't be. There was no political motivation behind the possibly damaging Nation Guard memos.

Senator Ted "Chapaquitic" Kennedy spoke at the Nation Press Club this week, and David Limbaugh writes his reaction. I read through the transcript of Kennedy's remarks, and it is the Kerry campaign all over again. Ted is once again is showing that he is the "Godfather" of the Kool-Aid gulping Moonbat Brigade. Find the transcript here if you actually want to read through it.

The Huygens probe has landed on Titan, a moon of Saturn, and has sent back some pictures. Maybe we should land a probe at Ted Kennedy's house. I bet there would be some mysterious images sent back from that planet.

Victor Davis Hanson has his latest article up at National Review Online. Were other wars easy?

Okay, that is all the news fit to print. I am off for an evening of X-Box and Halo 2.