Monday, September 24, 2007

Terrific Tuesday

Okay, tomorrow brings night two of new TV offerings, and I have to say, Tuesday is gonna be a light viewing night. Only a couple of shows to watch here:

"The Unit" is a favorite and I am looking forward to the new season. Jonas is on the run, and I bet old Uncle Sam has a hard time catching him. He's "On the Lam". Kinda like Tony Soprano...

"Cane" might be a one time shot, especially with all the other shows we are watching. If it isn't amazing we'll just catch it on reruns in the off seasons.

Here on the other hand, is a show I am really looking forward to checking out: "Reaper". A slacker (which don't we all just secretly want to be sometimes) with unrealized potential and a grand destiny who winds up finding out his parents sold his soul to the devil and now he works for the underworld returning all sorts of baddies. I'll let you know whether it's a hit, or a complete miss.

Next up: Wicked Weird Wednesday!

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