Saturday, July 17, 2004

The Will Of The People

Senator Susan Collins and Senator Olympia Snowe, Republican representatives from Maine, joined with 43 Democrats and one Independent to shoot down the proposed Federal Marriage Amendment that would nationally define marriage as being between one man and one women. I voted for both women because they were Republicans and were going to Washington to represent what the people of Maine wanted, not to follow their own personal agendas. I know, I sometimes look at the political world with rose-colored glasses, thinking that a politician is going represent the will of the people.

On our local news channel, WABI, interviewed Senator Collins and she said that she felt that the matter should be handled by state government rather than federal mandates. The problem I see is this: What do the people of Maine want?

I, along with at least 200 other people at my church sent cards and letters to Senators Snowe and Collins strongly suggesting that they vote in favor of the FMA. That is just our small congregation. There were many others from the Bangor area that contacted our "representatives" urging them to support the FMA. They went with the Democrats and voted against. Maybe my views and those of the people that I know that contacted our senators and wanted the FMA passed were in the minority, but were we? Or did our delegates vote "their" will, and not those of our state?

When the local city council completely bypassed the citizens of our fair city and changed local ordinances to allow a strip club to come in, the people voiced their opinion against their decision, called the city council members urging them to change their minds, and signed petitions. The city council overturned its decision and kept the strip club from opening. When the councilors realized that their will didn't reflect what the people wanted, they aligned themselves with the people that they were elected to represent.

When Senator Collins and Snowe are up for re-election, I probably won't vote for them. Hopefully some strong Republicans will step forward and have enough support to replace these two senators that I feel are Republican in name only.

If you disagree with our senators decision to vote against the FMA contact them and express your disappointment with their decision. It is about the will of the people, not their personal agendas.

Senator Susan Collins
(202) 224-2523

Senator Olympia Snowe
(800) 432-1599

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