Saturday, July 31, 2004

Marine Corps For Kerry... Not Likely

John Kerry had a recent run in with some U.S. Marines, approaching them at a Newburgh, New York, Wendy's. Their comments were not kind.

The Marines — two in uniform and two off-duty — were polite but curt while chatting with Kerry, answering most of his questions with a "yes, sir" or "no, sir."

But they turned downright nasty after the Massachusetts senator thanked them "for their service" and left.

"He imposed on us and I disagree with him coming over here shaking our hands," one Marine said, adding, "I'm 100 percent against [him]."

A sergeant with 10 years of service under his belt said, "I speak for all of us. We think that we are doing the right thing in Iraq," before saying he is to be deployed there in a few weeks and is "eager" to go and serve.

"I speak for all of us. We think we are doing the right thing in Iraq". John Kerry is certainly not going to get the vote nor the respect of the U.S. Military. The overwhelming majority of those in the military share these four marines' opinion. Kerry voted down crucial funds that would buy equipment for the troops to make them safer, and he wants to tie the military's hands and this country's sovereignty by seeking foreign countries' approval for us to take military action. John Kerry doesn't have the military's respect. President Bush does.

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