Thursday, July 01, 2004

A New Low

Just when I was thinking that Zarqawi and his boys couldn't sink any more into the mire of cowardice, they find a way. They are now attempting to kidnap an American female service member to further horrify the U.S. What is it going to take to hunt this guy down the put a bullet in him?

Zarqawi is the most wanted man in Iraq, with a $10 million U.S. reward for his capture or death. The Jordanian-born international terrorist has made killing Americans and their allies his chief goal as a way to prevent Iraq from moving to a moderate democratic state.

The defense source said Zarqawi's network apparently wants to further shock the Western world by kidnapping servicewomen and displaying them on videotape. Part of the terrorists' strategy is to cause so much bloodshed that President Bush loses public support for the war and is forced politically to bring the troops home.

The good news is that the U.S. is aware of Zarqawi's plans are attempting to thwart them and protect the 11,000 women of the Armed Forces serving in Iraq.

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