Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Spy vs. Spy - Ion Mihae Pacepa, who defected 26 years ago from the then Soviet satellite Romania to join the CIA, believes it is dangerous for there to be such public scrutiny of the organization and I agree. The spy business is very dangerous, and attacks by politicians seeking publicity can endager our sources and operatives. Scrutiny of the organizations actions should be internal and not aired in public. Quoting Pacepa:

"The CIA should not be trashed just to satisfy the ambitions of politicians seeking publicity. What other country in the world washes its dirty intelligence laundry in public? America is a wonderful country in its willingness to scrutinize, and to correct swiftly, its mistakes. But we also need to understand that no spy service is perfect. Mistakes in a human-oriented business are inevitable. It would be safer if these mistakes were not exaggerated and sensationalized in the media for partisan purposes. In this area, mistakes are best corrected in-house."

Leave the CIA to wash its own dirty laundry and let it go about its business to the best its humanly possible. Read the entire article here.

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