Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Move On Peaceful Tomorrows - This group that is crying foul over the President’s use of images from September 11th has aligned itself with MoveOn.org. You know MoveOn.org right, the extremely liberal group that was brandishing ads on their web site equating President Bush with Hitler. Peaceful Tomorrows, with the help of MoveOn.org, held a press conference warning all politicians to “keep your hands off Ground Zero”. But why? The members of Peaceful Tomorrows that are up in arms over the President’s ad only represent anti-war activists from 100 families out of 3000 victims. What the media doesn’t tell you is that many of the Peaceful Tomorrows families have no problem with the Bush spots and even support them. 9-11 belongs to everyone in this nation. I didn’t lose a loved one or family member in the tragedy, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t mourn the loss of life, stare in shock and disbelief as people threw themselves from the upper stories of the buildings, or feel a sense of rage at the cowardice of such an attack and want revenge. September 11th was a defining moment in our nation’s history but also a defining moment in President Bush’s administration. Why shouldn’t he be able to use the images from this terrible day in his ad? It belongs to all us. As Debra Saunders writes:

Sept. 11 belongs neither to one political group nor to Bush, but to America. It was a nation-shaping moment and thus belongs to even American politics, all of American politics.

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