Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Democratic Obfuscation - David Limbaugh points out what political campaigns ought to be about, that is helping the voters determine what a candidate's position is, and that the Democrats are using their campaign to obscure rather than clarify the issues. With President Bush you know exactly where he stands on an issue whether you support his view or not. With Kerry you don't know where he stands on any issue. Limbaugh writes:

"John Kerry simply will not make his positions clear. Do you think there is any chance he will proudly proclaim to the general electorate the recent finding of the National Journal that he was the most liberal senator in 2003? And Kerry calls Bush extreme? Based on Kerry's various statements and past record, a reasonable person with considerable intelligence would have difficulty determining his positions on: the propriety of making a candidate's military service, especially in Vietnam, an issue; states' rights concerning gay marriage; attacking Iraq; helping to rebuild and facilitate democracy in Iraq; free trade; deficit spending; No Child Left Behind; "special interest influence;" the Patriot Act; capital punishment for terrorists; and even his commitment to his faith."

Hopefully this, dear reader, gives some clarification to the Kerry campaign.

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