Friday, February 27, 2004

Sarlary Cap? - As most of you know, Alex Rodriguez has a whooping $252 million contract with the Yankees. $252 million? What is wrong with this picture? A guy making this much to play a game! When is the last time you saw a teacher inking such a contract? Actually, when you saw the teacher they were spending their own money to get supplies for their classroom because there was no money in the budget for said supplies. I watched the interview with A-Rod this morning on the Today Show and some of his responses blew my mind.

Lauer: "A lot of people look at this deal here and they talk about the money. They talk about your contract. But they say, the New York Yankees dipped into George Steinbrenner's substantial wallet and they bought the best player in the game and that shouldn't happen. Are we going to look back in 10 years at this deal and say, that's the deal that was the beginning of the end for baseball?"

Rodriguez: "I don't think so. I mean Matt I think a stage like New York City with the greatest team and the greatest franchise in sports history, I think the better player you can put on that team, the better for the game. If Major League Baseball didn't have the New York Yankees, Major League Baseball wouldn't be half as popular."

Lauer: "Do you think there should be a salary cap eventually in baseball?"

Rodriguez: "No."

NO? Of course you don't think so Mr. Rodriguez. Your the one getting paid!!! I don't know about you, dear reader, but don't you think this paycheck is a bit outrageous? I might be naive, but $252 million could be used elsewhere than in Mr. Rodriguez' pocket. I have always said that the Yankees are the best team money can buy...

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