Thursday, April 20, 2006

Sorry for the lack of posts

My wife and I are vacation this week, so I really haven't had a lot of time to sit down at the compter and connect the information umbilical. Nor have I really had a desire...

The Mrs. and I had a complete movie fest yesterday, starting early and ending late. We watched five movies yesterday (yes, my eyes are bleeding...). Here they are:

Dreamer- Excellent movie well worth a rental. Kurt Russell is always enjoyable and Dakota Fanning is just an amazing actor.

The Brothers Grimm- Another good one, well worth watching. Great take on the Brothers Grimm. Elements of the classic tales are woven throughout. Plus, Heath Ledger and Matt Damon had great chemistry.

Valiant- Complete and pleasant surprise. Animation was great. Good story. Well worth the time spent.

Chicken Little
- Good flick, but not what I expected it to be.

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
- Did the actors pay for this movie, or did they get paid to make it? I'm sure they are paying for it somehow. Any funny scene there was, it was in the trailer. It had lots of potential, I mean, c'mon, the cast includes Bill Murray, Jeff Goldblum, Owen Wilson, Willem Dafoe and Cate Blanchette, but it was a horrid movie. Good thing it was only $1!

Of course, there has been plenty of Halo 2 on Xbox Live. Maybe even some tonight! The Mrs. has joined the fray, and boy, is she good with a rocket launcher! She is getting good with the sniper, which even I can't use.

All right, I'm off to enjoy the rest of my vacation. The grind is going to return next week to smack me right in the face...

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