Friday, April 30, 2004

A Double Dip of Double H - Hugh Hewitt has served up a double helping that is being featured today at the WoT. The first Hugh Hewitt masterpiece is over at the “We May Yet Find Them”- Watching John Kerry tackle the issue of weapons of mass destruction. Hugh aptly starts out the article commenting that the Meet the Press and GMA appearances were “Train Wrecks”. Give Mr. Kerry enough airtime and he will hang himself. He digs the hole even deeper on Hardball, which should have been a good interview for him because Chris Matthews was his lap dog, asking easy questions that should have had easy answers. John still bungles. Here is the key exchange between Matthews and Kerry on WMDs and Iraq:

Matthews: If there was an exaggeration of WMD, exaggeration of the danger, exaggeration implicitly of the connection to al Qaeda and 9/11, what's the motive for this, what's the "why?" Why did Bush and Cheney and the ideologues around take us to war? Why do you think they did it?

Kerry: It appears, as they peel away the weapons of mass destruction issue, and--we may yet find them, Chris. Look, I want to make it clear: Who knows if a month from now, you find some weapons. You may. But you certainly didn't find them where they said they were, and you certainly didn't find them in the quantities that they said they were. And they weren't found, and I have talked to some soldiers who have come back who trained against the potential of artillery delivery, because artillery was the way they had previously delivered and it was the only way they knew they could deliver. Now we found nothing that is evidence of that kind of delivery, so the fact is that as you peel it away I think it comes down to this larger ideological and neocon concept of fundamental change in the region and who knows whether there are other motives with respect to Saddam Hussein, but they did it because they thought they could, and because they misjudged exactly what the reaction would be and what they could get away with.

After months of attacks by Dems, Kerry admits they might still find WMDs? We the people should find the “neocons” reference more than a little troubling. Quoting Hugh,

“Kerry's answer is a jungle of dependent clauses and asides, but it deserves intense focus. Put aside the obvious reference to the left's theory that Bush took out Saddam to avenge Hussein's assassination attempt on the first President Bush, as well as the reference to the "neocons," which is verbal comfort food to the anti-Semitic loons in the audience. Let's take Kerry seriously for once.”

Hugh goes on to comment on all the threats to America he has been wrong about. The Vietcong, the Soviets, the Sandinistas, and basically every other enemy that the U.S. has faced.

The second helping of Hugh comes from The Torricelli Option: Will the Dems dump Kerry? Hewitt recounts the Good Morning America fiasco and all the parties that are a little worried about their candidate. The Democratic Party, Streisand, Daschle (or is he worried at all), the Clintons in exile… the list goes on. Funny comment about Howard Dean:

“And Dean – what's he thinking when he can get the voices to quiet down? He was robbed, you know ... by the same people now conspiring against Kerry. Dean doesn't forget, and there's not enough Ambien in America to get him a night's sleep. What if, with another yell, he decides to demand an open convention. "Let the delegates vote!" isn't a bad slogan. Bring back all the orange hats and the blog and all that. Quite a party could be had by all.”

Will the Dems really dump Kerry this late in the game? Can they? He actually is a horrible candidate to run against an incumbent president, a president that has led this country through times of tragedy and adversity. The media robbed Howard Dean, the only real candidate the Democratic Party had going for them. Not that I would have voted for him either…

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