Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Ted Kennedy slanders America and its military - What you say? Ted Kennedy slandering our troops? I never read anything in the papers about that.

That’s right. You haven’t read this in the papers and you won’t. Many of the major papers including the New York Times, USA Today, Boston Globe, and the Los Angeles Times are all covering the story up. Each news organization previously listed ran a prisoner abuse article, only the Washington Post wrote that Kennedy took the Senate floor to blast the U.S. and the military. Of course, the Post didn’t use any of the scathing comments that he made.

"Protection of the Iraqi people from the cruelty of Saddam had become one the administration's last remaining rationalizations for going to war....So it is human rights that the administration turned to in order to justify its decision to go to war. On December 24, 2003, the day Saddam was captured President Bush said that 'for the vast of Iraqi citizens who wish to live as free men and women this event brings further assurance that the torture chambers and secret police are gone forever.' On March 19, 2004 President Bush asked 'Who would prefer that Saddam's torture chambers still be open?' Shamefully we now learn that Saddam's torture chambers reopened under new management, U.S. management."

This quote is courtesy of Hugh Hewitt’s site. Make sure you check out Hugh’s comments on this affair.

Ted Kennedy must be getting a kickback from Osama. With these horrible comments not only did he slander every American soldier on the front lines fighting to keep another 9/11 from happening, but has given terrorists fodder for recruitment videos for years to come. Kennedy and the left continue to get away with making these self serving comments, with no regard to the long lasting implications or the disrespect paid to our nation. No one hounds old Ted about on what basis he makes his statements or whether there is any truth in them. Sure Kennedy’s got proof for his belligerent comments, 110 proof.

Kennedy is like the Godfather of the Democratic Party. When Teddy speaks, people listen, for good or ill. Kerry would be wise to rebut this statement and distance himself from Kennedy if he wants a shot at the presidency. But as Kennedy goes, Kerry goes.

The liberal media sources won’t report this, but bloggers will pick this story up and make sure the people of this country are informed.

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