I just got home from a sneak peak showing of Transformers, and let me tell you, this was perhaps the best movie I have ever seen. I have a list of my top films (personal faves) that went something like this:
1. Empire Strikes Back
2. Star Wars
3. Return of the Jedi
4. LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring
5. LOTR: The Two Towers
6. LOTR: The Return of the King
7. Aliens
And the list would continue on from there including Spider-Man, X-Men and so on. Well, Transformers has shot to the top of the list. I've had some childhood favorites come to life on the big screen, like the Hulk, Fantastic Four and Ghost Rider, but this blows them all away. Forget Spider-man. He's old news compared to this film. There will be some memorable lines that will come from this movie, as well as some already well known, such as "Autobots: Roll Out!"
I know I make some bold boasts here, but I have never sat even through my favorite films with a palpable sense of excitement, literally on the edge of my seat, waiting for the next scene. Tonight I did.
The Autobots and Decepticons are incredible in this film. You almost expect to step out of the theater and see them standing there the CGI was so amazing.
The action sequences were stunning. Everything I ever wanted in the various TV shows and things I have imagined were made a reality on the big screen. My favorite Autobot was Bumblebee. A favorite as a kid and the co-star with Shia Labeouf, who should get some sort of prestigious award for this film.
Of course, like any movie, there were a few things I didn't care for, but it was all dialoge, and certainly nothing to deter the "WOW" factor of this flick. But, take care, this isn't a film for little kids because the action is very intense and some of the dialog, while minor, is a little rough for young ears.
Amazing film. See it on the big screen, several times.
Okay, when is the first show time for tomorrow...