Sorry this update is late in the coming, but like most weeks, this one has been busy.
As you will see in this
post, I was heading to Portsmouth, New Hampshire this past weekend to attend the
Iron Sharpens Iron conference being held at
Bethany Church (amazing facility by the way!).
So I can keep this post relavitely short and focus on the positive, I am going to give you the highlights of the conference for me.
The first was the morning session speaker,
Ted Roberts. This guy is an ex-marine fighter pilot and is as real as it gets. If Ted was leading the charge on the very gates of Hell himself, I'd be right there with him.
The other real hightlight for me was
Paul Coughlin and the Good Guy Rebellion. In his book,
No More Christian Nice Guy, he really strikes at the heart of the matter that being "nice" isn't always a good thing, often leading to fear and passivity, and that being "good" is another thing altogether, and what we should be striving to be.
Men weren't created to by fearful and passive, but are slowly being emasculated by pop culture and believe it or not, the church. Jesus wasn't always "nice", but he is "good". Read the Gospel of Mark to see this in action.
Of course, that doesn't give us men the excuse to be jerks, but his book is really a great guide for living to our true Godly potential.
I have to say it was a great weekend overall and look forward to attending next year.